Wednesday, April 22, 2009

flowers for algernon

if you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter,would you do it,especially if you know the effects of the surgery would only be temporary ?why or why not? use examples from the story.

If i had a choice to have an operation that would make me smarter i think that i will take the operation because i will be able to communicate to my doctor tell them what i want them to give me for food and if i want something or i am just bored i will tell them to take me outside so i could have fresh air.Also i will be like a genius and i will try to invent something for me like a machine that takes you a shower every day so i could be fresh for the ladies.i will help people out because first i am smarter then my doctor so that mean that i could so something about it.and if i get bored be a doter will be a cop because i could help then smell drugs and if the dogs don't fit and a small hole i could help them i could do a lot of thing like i could be cop, doctor, inventor, and a rapper and much more! =]

Thursday, April 16, 2009

the curious case of benjumin button,chapter 3-7

after reading chapter 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give your solutions for each one.

one of he's Benjamin problems is that maybe when he get younger may be he will have no one that will take care of him may be he's dad could but one day may be he's dad die and he have no one that love him so he should find a women that love him and will do thing for him no mater what happens to him. I think another problem is that may be Benjamin is going to cheat on her wife with another women and his wife is going to find out and tell her dad and her dad going to tell her i told you to not get marry with him, and she is going to feel dumb because she should knew that Benjamin was getting younger and younger very year....And her dad is going to fight him. And another problem he will have is that money because when you get younger you lose your job and who do you live with so he will have another problem there because were is he
going to live that or with who.

And the solutions for my first reason is he will move to a different town and find he's love of he's dream.and the solution my second reason is that he will run away to another city.That he will find another women that will do thing for him??

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the curious case of benjumin button,chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjumin looks is worried about want people are going to say.What should he do?

I think Roger should be strong i know that he has a strange kid,but still he should be happy of him because some peolple wish to have a kid but they can.

the curious case of benjumin button,chapter 1

what would you have done if you were Roger Button in chapter?

if i was roger button i will send him to mexico, give it to so one else and if they did money for the baby i will give it to them and vist him when i got time. And people ask me there is my son that i will tell them he went to vist the family in mexico and if they tell me when he is coming back i will them in 3years ??.... when i will make a another baby and hope that when will come a little better!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

how do i feel about her??

When I first meet her, I saw a beautiful smile in her face,
Her eyes shine throw my heart . I feel like telling her just to take my hand and let’s run away to Neverland.I knew that this would be a special girl but it will take all my strength
So she could fall in love with me, I wont give up even if I have to fight.