Friday, February 20, 2009

One skill that everyone needs today is that they need math because if they will give you less money that they post to give you. My anther reason is that some jobs you have to do in math so you could get the job. My third reason is you will give them more money or less money. What could you do?

My first reason is they will give you less money that they post to give you because if you don’t know to count they will take advantage of you. Maybe you are going to feel stupid. Your live could be difficult if you don’t how to count and will change your live. what will you do if you do not how to count.

My second reason this some jobs you have to do in math so your could get the job. the could tell you if could count and you tell “why” and he will tell you so you could do the bills that the store some like that yes or no you could tell him no and he will said then why are you there and what are you doing there if you don’t know to count you will tell I don’t know. if the boss tells you to do this and part of math and if you don’t know how to do math how are you going to do it? What happen if you like to be a science teacher you have to learned how to do math if you can’t do math maybe the dreams could not be true. could you mess up your live just because you do not know how to do math.

My third reason is you will give them more money or less money. if you are working that the store and a costumer buys 2 bags of chips that cost $2.50 and a can of soda that cost $0.75 and they give you $5.00 and maybe you will give them more or less money if you give him less money the costumer will get mad and tell your boss will may be firer you if he is so nice to you, and if you give him more money the costumer will get happy, and your boss will check the cashier he will tell you that here money miss and you will get in trouble. You will get in trouble just for that. That could go in your record. Could you like if you record is bad.

My conclusion is that what ever you go you going to see math in your live that the street and a car how many mile you are going store and school

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