Well i woke up i smell food so i guess there was food in the table.I woke up running though the door i hear something crack so i did it care i sit in the table.But when my dad was opening the door the door fell on top of him so my dad was try to fix the door.Then i ask my mom if i could go outside and play,she told me yea but i have to eat first so i was eating fast so i could go outside and play.So my sister was full so she did not want to eat her bread so she was try to give it to the horse. Well my brother was to lazy to eat so he was trying to sleep.My grandmother making more bread so my dad could eat.My mom was give food to the horse because the horse was just bothering her.So i was finish with my food so i was going to play outside with my friends ,my mom told me to come at 6:30pm or before it get drake.So me and friends went to play soccer so we were losing by one goal and it was getting drake outside so i told them last goal and i am living so i made the last goal.So i went happy when i got to my house i just drink a cup of milk and then i went the sleep.